Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Making Every Swim Your Best Swim

Lately, I've had some trouble keeping my energy up in, and after practice. We changed our swimming schedule, so now we swim from 10:15-12:15. It's really taking a tole on me.
I am feeling more tired by the day, and it's getting hard for me to keep up with practice, so here's some tips that I've discovered to help you make every swim, your best swim.

Get some sleep! 
Sometimes, 6-8 hours just doesn't cut it. Especially if you have morning practice.
Try to get 8-11 hours a night, but make sure you're not sleeping too much! 30 minute naps are great if you didn't sleep very well.

Eat before you swim.
Don't starve yourself, you'll get no where. You need fuel to practice, and compete.
Try a Banana and two pieces of toast. These are light foods, but contain carbs and nutrients.

Stay hydrated! 
This is a very important tip. After all, without water, you you can't swim (Get it? -Wink-)
Try drinking a glass of water, with a little bit of lemon juice in the morning to help you stay hydrated.

Pay attention to your coaches, swim coniously; don't be off in la la land while swimming the main set! 

Work on Technic, Not speed in warm up.
Pay attention to the way your hand enters the water during freestyle, and your head position on backstroke. Be present-- in the moment. 

Encourage your teammates
You never know how they are feeling. In the toughest sets, everyone needs a bit of encouragement, even you! Believe it or not, inspiring them will help inspire yourself.

Don't let your mind get to you.
"I can't do this," or "I should just quit now." run through all of our heads. No matter what, don't give up. Silence the hateful thoughts, and focus on your swim. No matter what happens, keep a positive state of mind.


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